Shop Name

masacari ajito

Address 1F New York Pizza, 3-8-33 Makishi, Naha City, Okinawa
Zip Code: 900-0013
Phone 098-917-5007
Business Hours 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM the next day
*Please check our latest updates on Instagram and Twitter.
Closed Tuesday and Thursday
Access Facing the Don Quijote Kokusai Street store, walk straight ahead on the right-hand side. When you see McDonald's on your left, turn right at the T-junction, then proceed about 200m toward the Hyatt Regency direction. You'll find masacari ajito next to New York Pizza.
Located in the Sakurazaka area of Naha City, Okinawa, masacari ajito is a hidden gem where you can enjoy Shisha.
As a sister shop of the well-known "masacari" group, which has become synonymous with "Naha Shisha" and "Okinawa Shisha," masacari ajito features an experienced owner with 19 years of Shisha expertise, along with a select group of members from the masacari group, who are dedicated to providing you with a delightful Shisha experience.

Please join us at masacari ajito, tucked away in the Sakurazaka area, to indulge in the art of Shisha enjoyment.
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masacari 本店
2-6-7 Kume, Naha City, Okinawa
Plaza Epoch Building, Room 203
Zip Code: 900-0033
masacari sakurazaka
3-8-33 Makishi, Naha City, Okinawa
Sakurazaka DINER 2F
Zip Code: 900-0013
masacari ajito
3-8-33 Makishi, Naha City, Okinawa
Sakurazaka DINER 1F
Zip Code: 900-0013


masacari kumamoto-マサカリ熊本
1-9-17 Shimotori, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Cogma Farm Building 3F
Zip Code: 860-0807